The Alumni Association of the Lutheran School of Nursing, St. Louis, Missouri, was founded in 1905. Our centennial celebration was held in 2005. While much has changed over the years, a function most valued by our members is the Annual Reunion, which is held the first Saturday in August.
Other functions include awarding the Amelung- Beckmann-Richter Scholarship. At our Annual Business Meeting a Memorial Moment by the LSN Nurse Honor Guard is held for our colleagues who have passed away during the previous year.
The Alumni LSN has about 415 members who live across the United States and in other countries. There are addresses known for about 3,108 graduates; we welcome more information. Over 4,000 RNs have graduated from the Lutheran School of Nursing, a diploma nursing program, which had been in existence since 1898. Sadly the school officially closed its operations in June 2022 after 124 years.