Membership Qualification Criteria
Applicants for the Alumni Association must be LSN graduates who are dues-paying, life, and courtesy members; or honorary members as defined by the Alumni Association By-Laws. Dues shall be paid annually and may be pre-paid. Current Dues are $40.00.
- Dues-paying membership shall be by payment of annual dues.
- Life membership shall be by payment of dues for twenty-five years.
- Courtesy membership is extended to all LSN graduates serving in foreign missions. These years count toward Life Membership. Dues are not required during mission service.
- Honorary membership may be conferred on persons who have rendered service to the Alumni Association and whom its members choose to honor.
Privileges of membership are:
- As dues-paying members, to vote and hold office
- As life members, to vote and hold office
- As courtesy members, to vote only
- As honorary members, to socialize only
- As members, to receive appropriate mailing and information from the Association.
Processing Fee:
Along with the renewal fee, any person renewing online via PayPal must pay a vendor processing fee which is a percentage determined by the renewal fee. The fee for this transaction will be $1.97. If you wish to pay dues via PayPal please make sure to set up a PayPay account first. Setting up a PayPal account is free.
Remember if you do not wish to pay this processing fee, you can renew by mail with a check or money order utilizing the renewal form below. Print the form, fill in requested information and mail to address on form.